Sunglow Updates

Summer’s Flavor Waiting for You


On the afternoon of August 13, the “Summer’s Flavor Waiting for you” Health Preservation Seminar was held in the VIP meeting room of the Group Headquarters. Presided by Zhang Yujia from Medical Endowment Division of the Group, this seminar had an audience of about 20 employees.

Employees present had also experienced the health-preservation projects such as moxa-moxibustion, cupping therapy and acupoint application.

Employees were greatly satisfied with this seminar. HR Headquarters said it would host varied training programs according to the employees’ needs in the future, so as to build a vibrate, healthy working environment for Sunglow employees.

Seminar of Health Preservation Knowledge.

Having three-bean beverage and health-preservation gruel.

Employees experiencing moxa-moxibustion, cupping therapy and acupoint application on site.